7. Confidentiality

7.1. The Membership / Circulation List will be kept confidential and
members’ details will never be shared without their permission;
7.2. A general note of meetings will be taken which omits any names
and does not attribute what is said to any individual;
7.3. If a speaker is confirmed for a meeting, this will be circulated in

6. Governance

6.1. The Network will report, as appropriate, and present annually to
the Sponsoring Agency’s SMT.

5. Meetings

5.1. Meetings will take place at least once per quarter. Special
meetings will be arranged as required. A meeting schedule will be
agreed at the beginning of each year;
5.2. As far as reasonably possible, meetings will be held in HSC
venues, from 12pm-2pm, with consideration of meetings outside of
Belfast as appropriate;
5.3. Where possible, tele conferencing and video conferencing will be
made available;
5.4. If a staff member is unable / uncomfortable attending a meeting,
they may submit views on the work of the Forum, as per the
meeting agenda and papers, to tapestry.network@hscni.net.

4. Roles and Responsibilities

4.1. The network will seek to elect a chairperson, vice chairperson,
Treasurer and secretary to serve a one year term;
4.2. Provision will be made for co – chairs should this arise;
4.3. Elections will take place in April each year;
4.4. An annual action plan will be developed, detailing the priorities of
the network and the work to be undertaken throughout the year.

3. Members

3.1. Will maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information;
3.2. Are encouraged to attend and promote the Network.

1. Membership

1.1. The Tapestry Disability Staff Network is open to anyone that works in the
regional HSC organisations and who has a significant interest in
disability; either due to having a disability, caring for someone with
a disability or through the nature of their job role.

2. Aims

2.1. To raise awareness of disability, including environmental,
behaviour and institutional barriers faced by people with a
2.2. To act as a contact point for staff, including new staff, with a
disability or who care for someone with a disability, providing a
safe space and informal peer support and information;
2.3. To arrange and run events to raise awareness of disability,
including practical issues for organisations to consider;
2.4. To encourage staff to declare they have a disability on HRPTS;
2.5. To nurture internal and external networking opportunities for
2.6. To promote disability equality for staff through active involvement
and consultation in HSC plans, strategies, policies and guidance;
2.7. To advise senior management in how to promote a culture which
includes people with disabilities, and celebrates diversity.